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Catherine Váradi

This text lacks indiviuality. Robot text doesn't Reflect her creativity.


Catherine Varadi, born in 1967, is a modern artist. She lives and works in Budapest, Hungary, EU. Born in Moscow, former USSR, Catherine spent the first 21 years of her life there. She graduated from the Moscow Lomonosov University with honors as a philologer. In 1991 she moved to Hungary, Budapest. She graduated from the Hungarian Institute of Foreign Trade with honors in 1993.

Starting from 1991 she worked in the family business in the field of international company formation. Catherine started painting in 2020, which was a result of an existential crisis. After a few weeks of art studies, she left her business and dedicated herself to art completely. Her case studies took much shorter time than they used to, and together with studying various aspects and techniques of art Catherine painted a lot, trying to make up for lost time.

In the end of 2021, she received “Master of Fine Arts” Diploma in a private art School in St. Petersburg, Russia. Within two and a half years Catherine Varadi created almost 500 artworks with oil, soft pastel, watercolor and acrylic. She had a personal exhibition in Budapest and took part in a few offline and online group shows in the US, UK and Canada and got rewards in international art contests.

Catherine is a member of a Hungarian Artists Association called “Fine Arts Capital,” she is also the member of Pastel Society of West Coast, USA and The Pastel Guild of Europe. She is also a resident of ASM Artist Club, Germany. In October 2021 Catherine founded a painting club in Budapest. In September, 2022 Catherine Varadi will present her artworks at the Qatar International Art Fair.

In October, 2022 Catherine Varadi is opening the “Golden Duck Gallery” in Budapest. Catherine thinks that one of the biggest problems of modern artists is lack of physical space where they could present their art. In her gallery Catherine will organise contests and shows in order to create a friendly and modern art space that helps artists to boost their talent and gain confidence.

Catherine Varadi calls herself an artist creating light and that’s for a good reason. She is highly inspired by Light both in literal and metaphorical meanings. She explores the ways of light in life and in the internal space of her artworks, its reflections in people’s lives and faces. Actually, when people make their choice, they take responsibility not only for the microcosm they live in but also for the society and at the end of the day for the whole world.

Her artworks are based on the contrast of aesthetic and anti-aesthetic, when at the first glance you see the decorative painting but after examining it you understand the background of the beautiful picture, which sometimes turns to be not so really beautiful. This is a kind of provocation, when the decorative character of an artwork is a way to enhance the social critique which is the core of Catherine's art. But sometimes she just allows herself enjoy the beauty of the world and express her happiness and love to the whole universe.

The medium she chooses is determined by the character of objects she paints. But whatever she paints she always uses the colour as one of the main artistic tools. At the same time, she sometimes reduces the number of colours she uses in order to take her audience into a specific territory of art.

Catherine Varadi paints artworks in styles of symbolic realism and surrealism and sometimes follows the tradition of realism, especially in landscape and still life paintings. Her favourite medium is soft pastel, but she also works with watercolour, oil and acrylic.

An artist’s responsibility is much higher as a piece of art is a very strong source of energy and emotions. Catherine believes emotions that an artist feels when creating an artwork can be transferred to those who watch the artwork, the piece of art becomes a kind of emotional battery providing its energy all around it.


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14:00 - 19:00

1092 Hungary 
Raday street 31/a

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Lavecoworking Kft. 
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