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ArtBIAS II. Pályázat Eredményei 

Nagy örömmel megosztjuk Önökkel az ArtBIAS II. Pályázati Kiállítás Nyerteseinek és Online Kiállítók listáját, amit ezen az oldalon tekinthetnek meg.

Kérem, vegyék figyelembe, hogy a kiállításon való részvételért járó okleveleket ugyanezen az oldalon tesszük elérhetőve a kiállítás ünnepélyes megnyitója után.

A lent látható gombok segítségével navigálhat az oldalon. Emellett leírhatja a tapasztalatait és megtekintheti a már futó egyéb pályázatainkat is. 

Nyertesek (Winners)

  1. Aleksandra Rowicka - Reality Chaos I | Photoshop | BELGIUM

  2. Alex Klas - Sunflowers with apples | Oil | USA

  3. Amirata Winter - After Love | Oil | SWITZERLAND

  4. Ann Frödeberg - Life can be pink | Mixed Media | SWEDEN

  5. Anna Jánosi - Sooty Slime | Acrylic | HUNGARY

  6. Antalik Jozef - three graces | Mixed Media | SLOVAKIA

  7. Arthur Braginsky - Forest Butterfly | Oil | HUNGARY

  8. Arunas Vilkevicius - ELEGANCIJA | Watercolor | LITHUANIA

  9. Att CoWatch - Vile Innocence | Oil | HUNGARY

  10. Belinha Silva - The Event | Mixed Media | PORTUGAL

  11. Bikkel Artist - Model FLOOR | Mixed Media | NETHERLANDS

  12. Bob Jolly - The Fall Inaugural | Mixed Media | USA

  13. CaroPour - Storms of life | Acrylic | GERMANY

  14. Cécile Dingé - Abstract II | Oil | FRANCE

  15. Chantal Bourque - Selfie #77 | Mixed Media | CANADA

  16. Chao Yang Huang - Performance | Color Photography | TAIWAN

  17. Cleo Wilkinson - Inception V | Etching | AUSTRALIA

  18. Cristiana Giacchetti - Le réveil de l_amour | Acrylic | ITALY

  19. Damjan Popelar - San Martino | Mixed Media | SLOVENIA

  20. David Yoffe - Bosch of our days | Oil | ISRAEL

  21. Dora Stork - Gas Castle | Wax | HUNGARY

  22. Dorina Kernya Dr. - Martini o_clock | Acrylic | HUNGARY

  23. Edwin Liew-Ferguson - Pride of Liberty | Mixed Media | USA

  24. Egressy Dóra - Audrey Hepburn | Mixed Media | HUNGARY

  25. Esther Link - Connected | Ceramics | SWITZERLAND

  26. Esther Link - Serie Clouds | Ceramics | SWITZERLAND

  27. Eva Bilous - Weighing | Acrylic | CZECHIA

  28. Gerd Zimmermann - Der weite Weg | Acrylic | GERMANY

  29. Gróf Eszter - Bull | Oil | HUNGARY

  30. Gugyerás Veron - Divatbemutató | Mural | HUNGARY

  31. Guo Defu - Golden ear | Wire | CHINA

  32. Guo Defu - phoenix Nirvava | Installation | CHINA

  33. Gustavs Filipsons - Wind breaker | Oil | LATVIA

  34. Haro Istamboulian - OPEN YOUR HEART | Oil | USA

  35. Irena Pantic - CAT | Acrylic | BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

  36. Iryna Akimova - Joy | Acrylic | UKRAINE

  37. Iryna Dolzhanska - Orange Delivery | Oil | GERMANY

  38. Ivan Kanchev - Man, where are you_ | Ceramics | BULGARIA

  39. Ivan Kanchev - Man, where to_ | Ceramics | BULGARIA

  40. J. J. Silva - Graceful Gaze | Oil | USA

  41. J. J. Silva - Virtue | Oil | USA

  42. J. P. Romero - El Gigante de Catalonia | Photoshop | MEXICO

  43. Jana Kreft - Aufbruch | Mixed Media | GERMANY

  44. Janet Clay LaPelusa - Voices of Broken Trees | Acrylic | USA

  45. Jean-Rene Rinvil - Coastal | Mixed Media | HAITI

  46. Joan Pullan - Milford Sound New Zealand | Oil | NEW ZEALAND

  47. Kai-Chuan Shih - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | Photoshop | UK

  48. Katarina Szajkoova - Fragments of Thoughts | Pencil | UK

  49. Katrin Loy - Without Title 01 | Black & White Photography | GERMANY

  50. Kim Jihee - Contain a painting-splendor | Ceramics | SOUTH KOREA

  51. Koreny Ildikó - The Seer | Acrylic | HUNGARY

  52. Kőszegi Csaba - Reggel a Liliompusztai vadászház udvarán | Watercolor | HUNGARY

  53. Liu Yanchi - Heaven and earth-link No.2 | Oil | CHINA

  54. Lőrincz Krisztina - HOMO LEKTOR | Oil | HUNGARY

  55. Luisa Ruiz - Crime scene | Oil | USA

  56. Maksim Echein - On the top to spite allthe winds. | Oil | RUSSIA

  57. Maksim Echein - A tiny house on the water. | Oil | RUSSIA

  58. Maria Gurikhina - Dreamscape | Other | SPAIN

  59. Maria Karlosak - See breeze | Acrylic | USA

  60. Maria Maksakova - Silence | Watercolor | FINLAND

  61. Matilda Gödria - Pad - Budapest 24’ | Oil | HUNGARY

  62. Md. Mahmudul Hasan - Call of Shitalaksma | Watercolor | BANGLADESH

  63. Meaghan K. Troup - Sunrise | Oil | USA

  64. Michał Truposz - Pipe | Oil | POLAND

  65. Monika Galantai - Trippy Potentiality | Screenprinting | HUNGARY

  66. Mwass Githinji - Genesis | Pastel | KENYA

  67. Nadezhda Fallmann - #mahashki _Bubbles_ | Mixed Media | GERMANY

  68. Nándor Bálint - eggs of hatred | Oil | ROMANIA

  69. Natasa Mijatovic - In the deep | Oil | SERBIA

  70. Natasha Zhukova - The Voice of Creation | Mixed Media | SERBIA

  71. Nicholas Skaltsounis - Mediterranean Vista | Oil | USA

  72. Nichole Kotowsky - Draped 4 | Color Photography | USA

  73. Nidhi Panwar - The Chakra | Paper | INDIA

  74. Noriko Nakayama - Existence | Mixed Media | JAPAN

  75. Olga Lo - Spring in Budapest | Watercolor | HUNGARY

  76. Otgontuvden Badam - Portrait of a woman | Oil | MONGOLIA

  77. Øystein Jacobsen - DANCE | Mixed Media | NORWAY

  78. Paul Art Lee - Light of Life - Garden Story | Acrylic | USA

  79. Poornima Dayal - The Mosque | Acrylic | INDIA

  80. Rachel Eagles - Warning in Stormy Waters | Mixed Media | USA

  81. Ralph Spegelaere - Mes rencontres | Oil | BELGIUM

  82. Rani Kichra - Still life composition | Graphite | INDIA

  83. Rasty Stone - Sunshine | Acrylic | GERMANY

  84. Rita Schoonmaker - Expanse #4 | Acrylic | USA

  85. Sharon Kim - Daddy is a Ramen | Ink | USA

  86. Sheetal Durve - Windermere Lake | Watercolor | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

  87. Sihua Liu - The flowers of isolation | Oil | CHINA

  88. Silvia Kézdi - Element of Dust | Acrylic | HUNGARY

  89. Silvia Stancu - Enthralled | Acrylic | HUNGARY

  90. Song-Zhen Shen Huang - FORWARD | Other | USA

  91. Stacey Chen - The Lettuce Girl | Colorpencil | USA

  92. Stacey Chen - Thirsty | Colorpencil | USA

  93. Svetlana Martin - Dance of light shadow | Ink | GERMANY

  94. Svetlin Stoev - Intermission | Mixed Media | BULGARIA

  95. Taraoo Ranarison - Le pêcheur | Mixed Media | MADAGASCAR

  96. Timea Hadar - The New York Cafe in Budapest | Oil | HUNGARY

  97. Tumadi Patri - Self Potrait | Acrylic | SINGAPORE

  98. Vladimir Shir - Eva | Acrylic | FRANCE

  99. Wen Liu - My New Bone | Ceramics | CHINA

  100. Wenjin Jiang- Time | Pencil | GERMANY

  101. Werner Szendi - Introspection | Acrylic | AUSTRIA

  102. Yinan Wei - Expedition 1 | Photoshop | USA

  103. Yoon Ok Nam - Self-portrait | Oil | CHINA

  104. Zhongqi Li - Shanhai | Photoshop | USA

Döntősök (Finalists)

  1. Alejandra Luna - THE SKIN OF THE EARTH

  2. Alejandra Luna - SURVIVOR Serie NATURE MATTERS

  3. Aleksandra Rowicka - Identity Spectrum II

  4. Alex Klas - Different varieties of Sunflowers ll

  5. Alexander Shivarov - Theres plenty of fish in the sea

  6. Alisa Vovk - Topaz Serenity

  7. Alisa Vovk - Diamond

  8. Andrej Abrisin - Blaken

  9. Andrej Abrisin - Lelektukor

  10. Andrew Elsten - Respire

  11. Andrew Elsten - Arils (Scattered)

  12. Anna Jánosi - Levitation

  13. Ashley Irizarry - As Above, So Below

  14. Att CoWatch - I cry

  15. Att CoWatch - Manifestations of our characteristics

  16. Ágnes Feith-Göblös - Moving project deadlines, rolling milestones

  17. Ágnes Feith-Göblös - Dance of candle flames

  18. Belinha Silva - Nautical Utopia

  19. Bernd Jansons - Strange Fruit

  20. CaroPour - Talking to the moon

  21. Chimani Waltraut - male nude

  22. Christophe Szpajdel - Ukraine Needs Air Defence

  23. Cristiana Giacchetti - Prophetic vision

  24. Cristiana Giacchetti - Ancestrale

  25. David Yoffe - In my End is my Beginning , Mary Queen of Scots

  26. Dolly Catlin - Iris Thicket

  27. Dora Stork - Basilica

  28. Dorina Kernya Dr. - Still life from the 90s

  29. E'Lana Caddell - 734

  30. Edwin Liew-Ferguson - Sphere Las Vegas

  31. Enikő Marosváry-Kramcsák - Soul of the Samurai

  32. Gerd Zimmermann - Feme Welten

  33. Gróf Eszter - Animal Portrait

  34. Gugyerás Veron - Modern hagyományőrzés 2.

  35. Gustavs Filipsons - Severance

  36. Irén Katalin Pop - Xénia

  37. Irena Pantic - WORRIED

  38. Iryna Dolzhanska - Kokot

  39. István Máté - Golden fissure

  40. István Máté - Passion

  41. J. P. Romero - Venus

  42. J. P. Romero - Ascendente

  43. Jasmine Scott - Galaxy Puffs

  44. Joan Pullan - Nigerian Man

  45. John Bishop - Detachment

  46. Julie Normand - Moody day

  47. Julie Normand - Run for your life

  48. Kata Szabó - Az én földemen vándorok élnek

  49. Kata Szabó - Sikátor

  50. Katrin Loy - Without Title 02

  51. Kenan Koçak - Writing (Important Legacy from Sumerians)

  52. Kenan Koçak - Rituel

  53. Kenan Koçak - Cognitive Dissonence

  54. Keniesha Patterson - Modesty

  55. Kopylov Oleksandr - AWAKENING

  56. Lefan Feng - Whispers of Concealment

  57. Lola Yiting Zhang - Echolalia

  58. Lor Campbell - The eyes are the portals

  59. Luisa Ruiz - Gold Finch

  60. Maksim Echein - The unpredictability

  61. Mária Mazúchová - Enchanted Too

  62. Maria Maksakova - Twilight

  63. Maria Maksakova - Wild and tangled

  64. Maria Maksakova - Magical glow

  65. Marika Pazsit - Reflections

  66. Marika Pazsit - Stilleben II.

  67. Mary Olivanti-Duerksen - Dead

  68. Matilda Gödri - Hunger Games

  69. Meaghan K. Troup - Living Hope

  70. Meaghan K. Troup - Persevering Hope

  71. Mina Moe - Y

  72. Monika Galantai - Perspectives of the same

  73. Monika Galantai - Blue Soul-soil

  74. Mwass Githinji - Vanity

  75. Nándor Bálint - relative deept experience

  76. Nasrah Nefer - Celestial Blossoms

  77. Natalia Grigorieva - Thunderstorm. Baltic Sea. Palanga

  78. Natasha Zhukova - The Power of Love

  79. Natasha Zhukova - Grace

  80. Neena Singh - Serenity

  81. Neena Singh - Hitherto unknown

  82. Nicholas Skaltsounis - Old Woman with Burro

  83. Oksana Tsvetyanska - Закат

  84. Oksana Tsvetyanska - Восход

  85. Otgontuvden Badam - Traditional instrument

  86. Otgontuvden Badam - Hungarian state opera house

  87. Øystein Jacobsen - GYMNASTICS

  88. Péter Szilágyi - Balloon

  89. Péter Szilágyi - Majesty of the Middle Ages

  90. Poornima Dayal - Turkey

  91. Rachel Eagles - Sunflowers

  92. Raffaele Coletta - Deep Blue 3

  93. Raffaele Coletta - Together Again

  94. Ralph Spegelaere - Soliloque

  95. Rasty Stone - Lady XY

  96. Renata Masłyk - Oaza

  97. Richard Solstjärna - The Pursuit Of Happiness 001

  98. Richard Solstjärna - The Light Pours Out Of Me 003

  99. Rita Schoonmaker - Expanse #5

  100. Sang Zhuo - A birds-eye view of the mountains and clouds

  101. Sanyam Kumar - Pretty privilege

  102. Sarah McBride - Embroidered Plant

  103. Shamsul Alam (Innan) - Nature of Bangladesh

  104. Sharon Kim - Mom is an Ice Cream

  105. Sharon Kim - Granny is a Broccoli

  106. Stephanie Bing - Lady and Lioness

  107. Stephanie Bing - Green Palast Park with Red Chair

  108. Stephanie Bing - Art Deco Yellow

  109. Susanne Maddaluno - Wise Man

  110. Svetlana Martin - Dance of the moth

  111. Svetlana Vereshchagina - April

  112. Svetlana Vereshchagina - Abstraction #92

  113. Svetlana Vereshchagina - Abstraction #42

  114. Svetlin Stoev - Daily full moon

  115. Svetlin Stoev - Layers on the face

  116. Svetlin Stoev - Angel of faith

  117. Taraoo Ranarison - Jeune fille de Madagascar

  118. Timea Hadar - Sunset over the city

  119. Utaellamarie Peter - Beatrix von Kastilien

  120. Veronika Krämer - Rhythm VIII

  121. Veronika Krämer - Rhythm IX

  122. Vitaly Kazantsev - Twilight

  123. Vladimir Shir - Fairy

  124. Vladimir Shir - The voice of silence

  125. Wang Wenjie - Far Away Dream

  126. Wen Liu - My New Bone - Sculpture

  127. Werner Szendi - Cho Ku Rei

  128. Werner Szendi - Shri Yantra Pink

  129. Wolfgang Graue - versteckte Träume

  130. Yinan Wei - Expedition 2

  131. Yinan Wei - Violet Symphony

  132. Yoon Ok Nam - Good News

  133. Yoon Ok Nam - Moving house

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