ArtBIAS II. Pályázat Eredményei
Nagy örömmel megosztjuk Önökkel az ArtBIAS II. Pályázati Kiállítás Nyerteseinek és Online Kiállítók listáját, amit ezen az oldalon tekinthetnek meg.
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A lent látható gombok segítségével navigálhat az oldalon. Emellett leírhatja a tapasztalatait és megtekintheti a már futó egyéb pályázatainkat is.
Nyertesek (Winners)
Aleksandra Rowicka - Reality Chaos I | Photoshop | BELGIUM
Alex Klas - Sunflowers with apples | Oil | USA
Amirata Winter - After Love | Oil | SWITZERLAND
Ann Frödeberg - Life can be pink | Mixed Media | SWEDEN
Anna Jánosi - Sooty Slime | Acrylic | HUNGARY
Antalik Jozef - three graces | Mixed Media | SLOVAKIA
Arthur Braginsky - Forest Butterfly | Oil | HUNGARY
Arunas Vilkevicius - ELEGANCIJA | Watercolor | LITHUANIA
Att CoWatch - Vile Innocence | Oil | HUNGARY
Belinha Silva - The Event | Mixed Media | PORTUGAL
Bikkel Artist - Model FLOOR | Mixed Media | NETHERLANDS
Bob Jolly - The Fall Inaugural | Mixed Media | USA
CaroPour - Storms of life | Acrylic | GERMANY
Cécile Dingé - Abstract II | Oil | FRANCE
Chantal Bourque - Selfie #77 | Mixed Media | CANADA
Chao Yang Huang - Performance | Color Photography | TAIWAN
Cleo Wilkinson - Inception V | Etching | AUSTRALIA
Cristiana Giacchetti - Le réveil de l_amour | Acrylic | ITALY
Damjan Popelar - San Martino | Mixed Media | SLOVENIA
David Yoffe - Bosch of our days | Oil | ISRAEL
Dora Stork - Gas Castle | Wax | HUNGARY
Dorina Kernya Dr. - Martini o_clock | Acrylic | HUNGARY
Edwin Liew-Ferguson - Pride of Liberty | Mixed Media | USA
Egressy Dóra - Audrey Hepburn | Mixed Media | HUNGARY
Esther Link - Connected | Ceramics | SWITZERLAND
Esther Link - Serie Clouds | Ceramics | SWITZERLAND
Eva Bilous - Weighing | Acrylic | CZECHIA
Gerd Zimmermann - Der weite Weg | Acrylic | GERMANY
Gróf Eszter - Bull | Oil | HUNGARY
Gugyerás Veron - Divatbemutató | Mural | HUNGARY
Guo Defu - Golden ear | Wire | CHINA
Guo Defu - phoenix Nirvava | Installation | CHINA
Gustavs Filipsons - Wind breaker | Oil | LATVIA
Haro Istamboulian - OPEN YOUR HEART | Oil | USA
Irena Pantic - CAT | Acrylic | BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Iryna Akimova - Joy | Acrylic | UKRAINE
Iryna Dolzhanska - Orange Delivery | Oil | GERMANY
Ivan Kanchev - Man, where are you_ | Ceramics | BULGARIA
Ivan Kanchev - Man, where to_ | Ceramics | BULGARIA
J. J. Silva - Graceful Gaze | Oil | USA
J. J. Silva - Virtue | Oil | USA
J. P. Romero - El Gigante de Catalonia | Photoshop | MEXICO
Jana Kreft - Aufbruch | Mixed Media | GERMANY
Janet Clay LaPelusa - Voices of Broken Trees | Acrylic | USA
Jean-Rene Rinvil - Coastal | Mixed Media | HAITI
Joan Pullan - Milford Sound New Zealand | Oil | NEW ZEALAND
Kai-Chuan Shih - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | Photoshop | UK
Katarina Szajkoova - Fragments of Thoughts | Pencil | UK
Katrin Loy - Without Title 01 | Black & White Photography | GERMANY
Kim Jihee - Contain a painting-splendor | Ceramics | SOUTH KOREA
Koreny Ildikó - The Seer | Acrylic | HUNGARY
Kőszegi Csaba - Reggel a Liliompusztai vadászház udvarán | Watercolor | HUNGARY
Liu Yanchi - Heaven and earth-link No.2 | Oil | CHINA
Lőrincz Krisztina - HOMO LEKTOR | Oil | HUNGARY
Luisa Ruiz - Crime scene | Oil | USA
Maksim Echein - On the top to spite allthe winds. | Oil | RUSSIA
Maksim Echein - A tiny house on the water. | Oil | RUSSIA
Maria Gurikhina - Dreamscape | Other | SPAIN
Maria Karlosak - See breeze | Acrylic | USA
Maria Maksakova - Silence | Watercolor | FINLAND
Matilda Gödria - Pad - Budapest 24’ | Oil | HUNGARY
Md. Mahmudul Hasan - Call of Shitalaksma | Watercolor | BANGLADESH
Meaghan K. Troup - Sunrise | Oil | USA
Michał Truposz - Pipe | Oil | POLAND
Monika Galantai - Trippy Potentiality | Screenprinting | HUNGARY
Mwass Githinji - Genesis | Pastel | KENYA
Nadezhda Fallmann - #mahashki _Bubbles_ | Mixed Media | GERMANY
Nándor Bálint - eggs of hatred | Oil | ROMANIA
Natasa Mijatovic - In the deep | Oil | SERBIA
Natasha Zhukova - The Voice of Creation | Mixed Media | SERBIA
Nicholas Skaltsounis - Mediterranean Vista | Oil | USA
Nichole Kotowsky - Draped 4 | Color Photography | USA
Nidhi Panwar - The Chakra | Paper | INDIA
Noriko Nakayama - Existence | Mixed Media | JAPAN
Olga Lo - Spring in Budapest | Watercolor | HUNGARY
Otgontuvden Badam - Portrait of a woman | Oil | MONGOLIA
Øystein Jacobsen - DANCE | Mixed Media | NORWAY
Paul Art Lee - Light of Life - Garden Story | Acrylic | USA
Poornima Dayal - The Mosque | Acrylic | INDIA
Rachel Eagles - Warning in Stormy Waters | Mixed Media | USA
Ralph Spegelaere - Mes rencontres | Oil | BELGIUM
Rani Kichra - Still life composition | Graphite | INDIA
Rasty Stone - Sunshine | Acrylic | GERMANY
Rita Schoonmaker - Expanse #4 | Acrylic | USA
Sharon Kim - Daddy is a Ramen | Ink | USA
Sheetal Durve - Windermere Lake | Watercolor | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Sihua Liu - The flowers of isolation | Oil | CHINA
Silvia Kézdi - Element of Dust | Acrylic | HUNGARY
Silvia Stancu - Enthralled | Acrylic | HUNGARY
Song-Zhen Shen Huang - FORWARD | Other | USA
Stacey Chen - The Lettuce Girl | Colorpencil | USA
Stacey Chen - Thirsty | Colorpencil | USA
Svetlana Martin - Dance of light shadow | Ink | GERMANY
Svetlin Stoev - Intermission | Mixed Media | BULGARIA
Taraoo Ranarison - Le pêcheur | Mixed Media | MADAGASCAR
Timea Hadar - The New York Cafe in Budapest | Oil | HUNGARY
Tumadi Patri - Self Potrait | Acrylic | SINGAPORE
Vladimir Shir - Eva | Acrylic | FRANCE
Wen Liu - My New Bone | Ceramics | CHINA
Wenjin Jiang- Time | Pencil | GERMANY
Werner Szendi - Introspection | Acrylic | AUSTRIA
Yinan Wei - Expedition 1 | Photoshop | USA
Yoon Ok Nam - Self-portrait | Oil | CHINA
Zhongqi Li - Shanhai | Photoshop | USA
Döntősök (Finalists)
Alejandra Luna - THE SKIN OF THE EARTH
Aleksandra Rowicka - Identity Spectrum II
Alex Klas - Different varieties of Sunflowers ll
Alexander Shivarov - Theres plenty of fish in the sea
Alisa Vovk - Topaz Serenity
Alisa Vovk - Diamond
Andrej Abrisin - Blaken
Andrej Abrisin - Lelektukor
Andrew Elsten - Respire
Andrew Elsten - Arils (Scattered)
Anna Jánosi - Levitation
Ashley Irizarry - As Above, So Below
Att CoWatch - I cry
Att CoWatch - Manifestations of our characteristics
Ágnes Feith-Göblös - Moving project deadlines, rolling milestones
Ágnes Feith-Göblös - Dance of candle flames
Belinha Silva - Nautical Utopia
Bernd Jansons - Strange Fruit
CaroPour - Talking to the moon
Chimani Waltraut - male nude
Christophe Szpajdel - Ukraine Needs Air Defence
Cristiana Giacchetti - Prophetic vision
Cristiana Giacchetti - Ancestrale
David Yoffe - In my End is my Beginning , Mary Queen of Scots
Dolly Catlin - Iris Thicket
Dora Stork - Basilica
Dorina Kernya Dr. - Still life from the 90s
E'Lana Caddell - 734
Edwin Liew-Ferguson - Sphere Las Vegas
Enikő Marosváry-Kramcsák - Soul of the Samurai
Gerd Zimmermann - Feme Welten
Gróf Eszter - Animal Portrait
Gugyerás Veron - Modern hagyományőrzés 2.
Gustavs Filipsons - Severance
Irén Katalin Pop - Xénia
Irena Pantic - WORRIED
Iryna Dolzhanska - Kokot
István Máté - Golden fissure
István Máté - Passion
J. P. Romero - Venus
J. P. Romero - Ascendente
Jasmine Scott - Galaxy Puffs
Joan Pullan - Nigerian Man
John Bishop - Detachment
Julie Normand - Moody day
Julie Normand - Run for your life
Kata Szabó - Az én földemen vándorok élnek
Kata Szabó - Sikátor
Katrin Loy - Without Title 02
Kenan Koçak - Writing (Important Legacy from Sumerians)
Kenan Koçak - Rituel
Kenan Koçak - Cognitive Dissonence
Keniesha Patterson - Modesty
Kopylov Oleksandr - AWAKENING
Lefan Feng - Whispers of Concealment
Lola Yiting Zhang - Echolalia
Lor Campbell - The eyes are the portals
Luisa Ruiz - Gold Finch
Maksim Echein - The unpredictability
Mária Mazúchová - Enchanted Too
Maria Maksakova - Twilight
Maria Maksakova - Wild and tangled
Maria Maksakova - Magical glow
Marika Pazsit - Reflections
Marika Pazsit - Stilleben II.
Mary Olivanti-Duerksen - Dead
Matilda Gödri - Hunger Games
Meaghan K. Troup - Living Hope
Meaghan K. Troup - Persevering Hope
Mina Moe - Y
Monika Galantai - Perspectives of the same
Monika Galantai - Blue Soul-soil
Mwass Githinji - Vanity
Nándor Bálint - relative deept experience
Nasrah Nefer - Celestial Blossoms
Natalia Grigorieva - Thunderstorm. Baltic Sea. Palanga
Natasha Zhukova - The Power of Love
Natasha Zhukova - Grace
Neena Singh - Serenity
Neena Singh - Hitherto unknown
Nicholas Skaltsounis - Old Woman with Burro
Oksana Tsvetyanska - Закат
Oksana Tsvetyanska - Восход
Otgontuvden Badam - Traditional instrument
Otgontuvden Badam - Hungarian state opera house
Øystein Jacobsen - GYMNASTICS
Péter Szilágyi - Balloon
Péter Szilágyi - Majesty of the Middle Ages
Poornima Dayal - Turkey
Rachel Eagles - Sunflowers
Raffaele Coletta - Deep Blue 3
Raffaele Coletta - Together Again
Ralph Spegelaere - Soliloque
Rasty Stone - Lady XY
Renata Masłyk - Oaza
Richard Solstjärna - The Pursuit Of Happiness 001
Richard Solstjärna - The Light Pours Out Of Me 003
Rita Schoonmaker - Expanse #5
Sang Zhuo - A birds-eye view of the mountains and clouds
Sanyam Kumar - Pretty privilege
Sarah McBride - Embroidered Plant
Shamsul Alam (Innan) - Nature of Bangladesh
Sharon Kim - Mom is an Ice Cream
Sharon Kim - Granny is a Broccoli
Stephanie Bing - Lady and Lioness
Stephanie Bing - Green Palast Park with Red Chair
Stephanie Bing - Art Deco Yellow
Susanne Maddaluno - Wise Man
Svetlana Martin - Dance of the moth
Svetlana Vereshchagina - April
Svetlana Vereshchagina - Abstraction #92
Svetlana Vereshchagina - Abstraction #42
Svetlin Stoev - Daily full moon
Svetlin Stoev - Layers on the face
Svetlin Stoev - Angel of faith
Taraoo Ranarison - Jeune fille de Madagascar
Timea Hadar - Sunset over the city
Utaellamarie Peter - Beatrix von Kastilien
Veronika Krämer - Rhythm VIII
Veronika Krämer - Rhythm IX
Vitaly Kazantsev - Twilight
Vladimir Shir - Fairy
Vladimir Shir - The voice of silence
Wang Wenjie - Far Away Dream
Wen Liu - My New Bone - Sculpture
Werner Szendi - Cho Ku Rei
Werner Szendi - Shri Yantra Pink
Wolfgang Graue - versteckte Träume
Yinan Wei - Expedition 2
Yinan Wei - Violet Symphony
Yoon Ok Nam - Good News
Yoon Ok Nam - Moving house