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A suggestive work of art made with a variety of techniques offerig deep introspection.

Kozmikus örvény (Cosmic vortex)

ÁFA beleértve
  • Dr. Jakab Aniko

    I used to do sculpting in my youth and started painting 7 years ago in Solymar where I live for 29 years. In the last 7 years 300 paintings were made excluding the ceramics, textile images and the sculptures. My goal is to unite painting and sculpting after trying out a variety of painting techniues. I paint mostly off of photographs I take in the nature though as of late I also find it fun to paint abstract images. My paintings were exhibited in 2 personal and 25 general exhibitions in Budapest and other cities of Hungary. I believe that an artist's duty is to unite the Earth and the Sky, to show the way to the light, to evoke tranquility and joy in this anxious world of ours. My famourite themes for painting are nature, the flow of water, light and movement. Creating pieces of art, be it paintings or sculptures, for me is a freeing, meditative experince.

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