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A work inspired by a poem; Based on the first stanza of István Fekete's poem Szabadján ...: "It is dawn and with a dawning face tomorrow looks in the window and we look at each other: dust-eyed man, And He is a calm, endless sea The rising sun is on the clock." 2024.

Egy új nap hajnala (The dawn of a new day)

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  • Melinda Horvath aka. Melipiro

    My name is Melinda Horváth, I work as a project manager in Budapest in an environment full of engineers and complex technologies, which gives me the perfect relaxation to experience my creativity. In 2019, I got to know the pyrograph (burnt on wood) technique in a self-taught way, I have no prior art training. I started depicting the woman by burning an effigy of Audrey Hepburn, which has been an inexhaustible topic ever since. I found it exciting to use bright, glowing colors for the browns of burnt wood, so I also work with acrylics. In 2023, I joined several Hungarian artist circles, thanks to which I now have 13 juried works, last year I had the opportunity to show my pictures at exhibitions for the first time. Today I still create for my own pleasure and entertainment. This special technique, which dates back to ancient times, inspires more and more interesting topic ideas, for which I now also involve artificial intelligence in the brainstorming. The smell of burnt wood and the deepened creation process are great companions on my journey of self-discovery.

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