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“Sprue II” is part of the “Sprue” series of artworks and aims to reflect on the problem of overtourism. According to the latest statistics on tourism in Italy, a tourist stays in the city of Rome for an average of three days, too short a time to get to know the real city and to get away from the stereotyped tourist routes. The visitor doesn’t see the city as it is, but the visitor sees a fake and constructed vision, making him see what he expects to see. A distorted and stereotyped reality that respects neither the place nor the visitor. Sprue is a DIY work, where the sculpture is a model ready to be assembled as you like it and not as it really is. 2022.

Sprue II

ÁFA beleértve
  • Jacopo Truffa.

    Jacopo Truffa (Rome, 1987) began his artistic career by studying production design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, working simultaneously as assistant to the sculptor Alfiero Nena and as set designer. His work, which ranges from sculpture to video making, finds its most complete realization in the era of digitalization, with 3D printing. From the encounter with digital art, Jacopo Truffa’s works are transformed into "repeatable and democratic" objects, thanks to their serial nature, but unique in their production process. The works, in fact, play on elements of everyday life, included in the world of social media and communication, exploiting symbols and elements of an imaginary between playful and social criticism.

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