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Though I was not a fan of the baroque art movement previously, on a walk in the Mondsee St. Michaels basilica the misteriously lit statues have ignited my imagination. 2024.


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  • PSpaintings (Szilágyi Péter).

    My cousin from Canada had pushed me towards art in 1994, by encouraging me to try watercolor painting. Following a hiatus in my pursuit of art my wife had subscribed me to an oil painting course led by Gasztonyi Geza in 2020 as a birthday gift. I was sceptical at first but was soon enthralled by the excitment of the creative process on my first paintings. My teacher's skill had impressed me and I felt that I have found my path and sphere in art. Since 2020 I paint constantly and have produced more than a 100 works. Mostly I recreate my old and new life experiences using my own photos but I find myself painting from nature (plein air) more and more. I counsciously try to concentrate on bringing shapes and colors filtered through my own subjective point of view as opposed to photo realism. A part of my paintings is already in the posession of a few Hungarian and German collectors. My paintings regularly feature in gallery exhibitions, Golden Duck Gallery among them, and I have won many competitions. I have found success in online galleries as well such as: "Honourable Mentioned" and "Certificate of Excellence" aknowledgements, as well as the "Gallery Award" of New York People & Paintings gallery and  3 "Talent Awards" in the Los Angeles Terevana gallery.

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